Weapon Purchase Reviews

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Wudne, Oct 23, 2012.

Weapon Purchase Reviews

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Wudne, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Wudne

    Wudne .

    Oct 23, 2012
    In my earlier battleranks I was really cautious about what to do with my Auraxium because I didn't know what was good/what wasn't. I managed to find some info about things so I got lucky. Everyone in the outfit may not be so lucky though!

    So, just post a quick review of things you've bought in the Shop. I'll start with one of my Scythe purchases (and I'll add the rest tomorrow):

    Weapon Slot:

    Weapon Slot:

    Weapon Slot: Primary

    Weapon Slot: Secondary
    Khamles, DaPoets, Jaamaw and 2 others like this.
  2. Phragg

    Phragg Donating Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Awesome, keep 'em coming!
  3. Zaelers

    Zaelers .

    Oct 19, 2012
    Heavy Assault​
    Pulsar LSW​
    Weapon Slot:
    This thing spits death. It costs 240 certs, but it more than paid for itself in the first day. Basically if you are looking at someone and have at least 5 or 6 bullets in your clip, that person is dead.​

    It's extremely accurate at close to medium range, and accurate in 7-8 shot bursts at long range, and can kill someone in 3-4 bullets if a couple of them are to the head. It has a 75 shot clip, but as previously mentioned, you can kill someone in bursts of 3-4 (which takes about a quarter of a second), or, if you're closer, and there are more enemies closer together, just hold down the trigger... chances are most if not all of them will die.​

    If you can manage to spend the certs to get Soft Point ammo, Extended Clips (changeable with a Foregrip to make it accurate for longer while holding the trigger), an IRNV (Infared) Scope, and a Compensator for your barrel, you'll be getting a gun that does more damage than it usually does, 150 bullets per clip, as opposed to 75, the ability to see Infiltrators while they are stealthed, see through smoke, all while having reduced recoil.​

    As a side note, you should invest in 'Resist Shields' for your class ability, and slot it ASAP. This basically puts the Heavy into Heavy Assault. It allows you to outlast many enemies clip sizes, while allowing you to mow down enemy after enemy with a weapon like the Pulsar LSW. Running up to a sniper so you can get a better angle/shot at him? Activate your shields and laugh as he shoots you 5 or 6 times, just to find out you have close to full health and 150 bullets with his name on each and every one of them. In a firefight with another Heavy? Turn on your shield and kill him without taking damage to your health while having half of your regular shields left. A Light Assault just flew up behind you? Turn on your shield and send him a whisper asking if he is actually shooting at you.​
  4. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    I'm loving this thread already, keep em coming guys excellent analysis if weapons, vehicles and classes.

    Ill do one for the Magrider soon ;)
    Phragg and Zaelers like this.
  5. Canvera

    Canvera NNG Data Analyst

    Oct 22, 2012
    Weapon slot: Primary
    This is the king of AA, it rips apart airborne targets with ease. It takes a little bit of practice to hit continuously with it, but once you are able to put a stream of flak into the enemy, no aerial target will want to stick around for long.
    However, there is a number of downsides for this. For one, you are completely at the mercy of anything that isn't in the air. You have a better chance with hopping out of your vehicle and firing (This works rather well with a HA as you can surprise rocket someone). The flak does not activate on ground targets and the damage is abysmal. Second, you run out of ammo extremely quickly. Currently I am sitting at 840 total rounds, and in a prolonged engagement, that literally lasts a few minutes before I run out of ammo. I would highly suggest investing in more ammo for that weapon, especially if you wish to stay in a fight for a longer period of time. The other upgrades, faster reload and zoom are secondary to ammo. The zoom itself is more useful to identify whether an incoming Liberator or Galaxy is friend or foe, while a faster reload means less downtime on shooting.

    The Heavy Assault's lock on launchers, the Nemesis and Hades:
    These weapons are somewhat unique in that they can lock onto either an aerial or ground target, but not both. This is more useful against aerial targets, but you get reduced damage in exchange for locking capabilities. Additionally, the Hades has a limited range and can only hit out against vehicles far below the maximum lock-on range. To put this into perspective, a Nemesis will approximately take off half the health of an ESF, while your goto S1 will almost always oneshot it if it connects. However, there is another thing that can make these weapons potentially useful. They do not have a traditional curve to the shot, making sniping with these much easier.

    The Nemesis is a useful weapon to make ESF panic, but to be truly effective, it must be used in groups. The Hades is only useful against a continually moving target at range.
    I'd suggest to learn to use the S1 and understand the curve of the weapon to terrify armour columns.

    Additionally, for all classes:
    C4 is a very, very powerful ability. Carrying one c4 is enough to nearly destroy a lightning, will damage a sunderer to half health and has a huge blast radius to breach through forcefields. Carrying two c4 should enable you to almost instantly destroy a sunderer, and if you're a HA, you will instantly destroy the sunderer with two c4 and a rocket to make sure. However, c4 is more useful on classes which can flank easily, like a LA or an infil. Since C4 is class specific, you can't purchase for all the classes so make it count.
  6. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    All classes (Inf. and HA featured in this assessment)

    Nova (Shotgun)

    Weapon Slot:

    Every faction has one. The TR shotgun has high ammo and fires rapidly but low damage, the NC shotgun fires slow but it's a one shot killer, and our plasma shotgun has the best of both worlds. It has 8 shots, semi-auto, which have an effective range of up to about 15-20 feet. Anyone caught from point blank to about 7 feet away will suffer death (any class) in just 2 shots. That't 2 clicks of the mouse. The spread on the spray is relatively narrow so you should always aim center mass (or head if you're like that :sneaky:) and lead targets appropriately.

    Utilizing Nova with Infiltrator:
    If you've ever played Halo then you know how you own the game with active camo and the shotty... Same applies here in PS2. Because of it's range, you need to get the Nova in close. Using the Infl's cloaking ability is perfect for the task. Using the cloak to flank and engage enemy infantry and then releasing cloak to fire death at them (try and get behind them, they will literally never see you coming). I have had huge success with this build, sometimes camping enemy spawn Sundys for minutes before people even notice. It is also excellent for breaking fortified positions, sneaking behind then blasting them all before then can react.

    Utilizing Nova with Heavy Assault:
    This only works if you have the resist shied as Zaelers said:
    If you aren't the sneaky type, and more of the BOOM BOOM CRASH BANG kinda player, take the Nova with your HA. If at a distance, charge the enemy head on, activating the resist shield when needed, get behind their lines then juggernaut around. Using the resist shield while reloading can be the difference btwn life and death while using this combo, being that you're probably close to a target that you unloaded on so that is why you're out of ammo. Then best of all, you have your rocket launcher /future ninja FWUHPEW! (VS rocket launcher noise lol)
    DaPoets, Zaelers, Wrath and 1 other person like this.
  7. ZeroXephon

    ZeroXephon .

    Oct 22, 2012
    Combat Medic


    Weapon Slot:

    This does not cost a whole lot of certs (48 I think) and its worth every, freaken, one! This turns the combat medic into a murder machine. Equip a scope and switch to single fire and you can now snipe! The only down side I see, and personally I don't find it a huge issue, is that you only get 30 rounds in a mag before you are out. If you ever plan on playing a combat medic this is a must have!
    DaPoets likes this.
  8. Wudne

    Wudne .

    Oct 23, 2012
    Done all Scythe weapons. Will move onto Liberator and Magrider weapons sometime this week.
  9. Deathrus

    Deathrus .

    Oct 21, 2012
    Centari and polaris are both worth it. Medic and Ha weapons.
    Wrath likes this.
  10. Wrath

    Wrath .

    Oct 23, 2012
    The Centari is a fantastic weapon. Only problem with it is the Reflex sight for it does NOT line up with the shot. all my shots consistently hit below where I was aiming. I don't know if it is a graphic error or it is really not centered but I felt you guys should be aware.