Intelligence Division?

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Fourtbullets, Oct 29, 2012.


Should we have an intelligence division like the one described below?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Intelligence Division?

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Fourtbullets, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Fourtbullets

    Fourtbullets .

    Oct 26, 2012

    I am FourBullets on Vanu, and I am still new to the Planetside franchise. However I have come to learn many things as I searched for a faction and squad to join. Before finding you guys I ran into some other outifits on NC and TR and as I joined their TS server I discovered the following idea through all their chatter.

    One of the top leaders of a TR outfit, which will remain nameless for now, suggested taking Planetside 2 to the next level by introducing an intelligence division. The role of those involved in this division is to pretend to be new recruits on other factions to gain access to the TS of main outifits. Once that access is achieved those players will revert back to their true faction. They are tasked with two things: 1) collect intelligence on enemy movement and 2) provide points of intercept on the map so that they can be flanked.

    I thought to myself, wouldnt this ruin the game??? Yes it probably wont be as fun. However, I am sharing this information because I want this outfit to be aware of some of the strategies being put forth by the other factions. I am not suggesting we engage in the same strategy, however, I do emphasize extra caution when recruiting. If we are going to be an organized and effective outfit, I recommend adopting measures that will clear our TS servers of these "spies".
  2. lvloss

    lvloss .

    Oct 21, 2012
    I kind of like this idea, but i think we need to figure out our main structure before implementing something like this. just my 2 cents.
  3. Swindle

    Swindle .

    Oct 17, 2012
    Hello and Nice to meet you.

    It's not a bad idea or a good idea, it just doesn't seem like NNG's style from what I have seen. Yes this can be something that will ruin a game but I wouldn't worry about it as the spies won't last long in NNG or any outfit just based off the time commitment alone. As for learning new skills from other outfits, it will happen regardless as we will need TS to work with the other outfits anyways. I hope in time that we all start using TS over ingame chat. However, I will admit that it is a problem where outfits from the TR and NC have teamed up to attack the VS which I think is something we could use to our advantage. Infact I would personally lead a scheduled server event and offensive with the NC to push the TR off the map and surround them at the Warp Gate for fun!
  4. Deathrus

    Deathrus .

    Oct 21, 2012
    I think I can speak for some others.

    I doubt we will ever participate in activites such as that. That is kind of borderline taking the game WAY TO SERIOUS and I think would take the fun factor away.

    We do not neeed to infiltrate someones outfit.

    WE can simply use our own spec ops to spy on troop movement, sabotage, and give us sit reps. If we have one infiltrater at every major base and people willing to do this( yes some people like recon, I being one of them love infiltration)). We can just do that.

    AND I CAN GUESS WHICH TR OUTFIT PROPOSED THIS. THE ENCLAVE. They are Scumbag enough to do something like that.
  5. Swindle

    Swindle .

    Oct 17, 2012
    Great mind think alike. :D
    Jaamaw and lvloss like this.
  6. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    When I read the title Intelligence Division I thought you meant in game. Not real life busting into someone's outfit.

    Wow, people do stuff like that? :O

    I'd call that Nonsense :)

    If we stick to in game stuff, while respecting the unspoken rules and morals of community gaming I think it would be quite fun. I'd love to learn more about this Infiltrator role. Still very new to PS2.

    Fourt, I know your interest is in the strength of the NNG PS2 Division and its success but I feel an operation like the one you mentioned is ethically questionable and may do more damage to us than good. Regardless, I'm glad you surfaced it here in the forums. Never be afraid to bring your ideas to the table. /coffee
    Toecheez and lvloss like this.
  7. Cryms

    Cryms .

    Oct 17, 2012
    I have been the head of one of those types of divisions (in a random browser game) and I would have to agree. Planetside 2 isn't really a good fit for that kind of spy tactics.

    First, not getting found out would be difficult in any decent outfit unless you are decent at it and pick which battles should be intercepted.
    Two, as Death said most of the information can be gained just from having the platoon leader look at the planet map or clashing with the other outfits.
    Third, as Ghost said if found out it is terrible if it is found out where they are from.

    In Planetside 2 it just would not be worth it and if an outfit really wants to spend their members doing that I would say let them try. A lot of the tactics will be fairly race specific or so general that anyone can come up with it.
    Jaamaw likes this.
  8. Zaelers

    Zaelers .

    Oct 19, 2012
    These kinds of things happened in Planetside 1 almost ALL the time... and were deeply frowned upon by a large number of people, and the devs. So much so, that they included lockout timers so that you had to wait a couple hours if you wanted to log into a character of a different faction. These people were also treated like they had the plague by everyone, even if it was for the benefit of their faction. There were definitely people that made it a point to do this, but they were ultimately less successful (and a lot less fun to play with and against) than people who would rather do it legitly.

    Also, it's nothing that a good scout in a Scythe or Infiltrator on a quad couldn't do as well, in a more tactful manner.

    One could argue that obtaining some form of hack could be justified like this as well, "Oh, I'm just enhancing myself to be a super soldier, so that's why I have an aimbot. I also like to think my visor can see through walls, so I have wallhacks too". Sure, these examples are fairly extreme, but one can see the parallels between the two once you start to think about it. Afterall, what's the difference in knowing where an enemy is going to be (without really looking) before they're there, and seeing someone through a wall?

    Nothing, in my opinion. And I agree with GhostSheets, seems like Nonsense to me.
    MidnightDaredevil and Mortos like this.
  9. lvloss

    lvloss .

    Oct 21, 2012
    I think that judging by the comments in this thread. NNG will not go this route anytime in the near future.
    MidnightDaredevil likes this.
  10. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    When it comes to games like Planetside, people treat it as real war. And in war, everything is done to win. This tactic has proven to win many times in PS1 and will continue to win after launch. I however do not think we should do this and we should monitor who joins TS with an anti-intelligence division. A spy is only good until he is caught and if we catch them before they hit us, they cant do anything. I have been in groups that do anti-intel and it has saved our asses many times