I am done

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by TheHamster, Aug 17, 2014.

I am done

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by TheHamster, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. TheHamster

    TheHamster Professional Hatetred Distributer // Yak-9u pilot

    Mar 22, 2013
    These past weeks i have found myself irritated by the game. I cant see me playing when frustrated. Gaming is supposed to be a stress reliever not something that produces it. I have gotten to the part of the game that is imaged to be fun for most players, obliviously not me. I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I love flying with you guys, but i have came to the conclusion that i should quit.

  2. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    Hey man, if you ever need to chill or just get stuff off your chest hit me up. Was diagnosed with the same shit awhile back. It's definitely a struggle and it's good to keep yourself out of stressful environments but it's also good to stay around people you consider your friends and have fun with. Best of luck.
  3. TheHamster

    TheHamster Professional Hatetred Distributer // Yak-9u pilot

    Mar 22, 2013
    Shuz. Thing is I have been taking pills and different medication since 6 years old (currently 16). I feel that i am considered the test subject or "Hamster" for this medication. i have become enraged with my doctor, psychiatrist, and parents due to this feeling. I guess i doesn't help when you have anger issues. I really never had real close friends because i end up scaring them off or even hurt someone emotionally, has happened quite alot due to personality
    MikeHonchoYou likes this.
  4. IOLAR2011

    IOLAR2011 Shoutbox Operator Extraordinaire

    Mar 23, 2013
    Have you found a hobby in real life to help relieve stress? Videogames can seem like a good way to get away for a while but eventually they can get frustrating too, I understand.
    What I have tried to relieve anger is to pursue what can make me happier.

    In high school I used to go to the gym a few times a week. It was in a local hotel and had good staff with knowledge of everything they taught you. I didn't go all out, I wanted something to challenge myself where I would see improvements over the weeks. In the gym you can let the outside world slip away and focus on yourself and how to get better at something. Focusing on technique and finding where you can push yourself. Then progressing beyond that point later. I am someone who doesn't mind soreness and tiredness after exercise because it feels like you earned it. Seeing as you are under 18 you could probably get a good student membership deal at a local gym which should save you a few bucks, I think I was saving over 100 easily back when I started at 17 anyway.

    I also play a sport called airsoft for fun and have become pretty involved in it. The maintenance side gives a bit of a mental challenge. And usually after you are tired and sore and feel good about it. It's a great way to experience something different to average life and has a good community. I have been trying to play it more as I took some time off after a knee injury and found that I missed the joy of it.

    Music is something good to try as well. I listened to it a lot from my teen years on. I listened to all sorts of music as I cared about what sounded or felt good. Not the genre. (a bitta beethoven after black sabbath followed by calvin harris is possible on shuffle on my ipod)

    As of late I have been using singing as a way to cool down. It's a way to forget about things. Keeps you calm and avoids stress. I am also trying to learn guitar, have currently hit a bit of a slump but will keep trying.

    Taking new things on can be the change to your life that makes it easier. Because sometimes it's because things don't seem to change that you can get angry or upset.

    That's the advice I can give as someone who does get angry and knows depression and anxiety.
    MikeHonchoYou likes this.
  5. MikeHonchoYou

    MikeHonchoYou .

    Apr 10, 2014
    Hey man you might not know me but I mostly play planetside. Was it planetside or warthunder. I'm no pilot but boy oh boy do I get frustrated at planetside. Scatmaxxes and mcg's are the bane of my online existance. I know where just a few old nerds on the other end of the internet/world but if you need to vent your frustrations for gaming or otherwise. Just give me a poke in the Ts and I would be more than happy to listen and talk mate :)
    Shuzaah and Sandvich like this.
  6. MikeHonchoYou

    MikeHonchoYou .

    Apr 10, 2014
    Iolar ;) Gym bro's.
    IOLAR2011 likes this.
  7. Valrimor

    Valrimor .

    Mar 20, 2014
    Heya Hammy...You have already received some great advice here, so I won't pile on. Suffice it to say that perhaps a break is all you need, rather than quitting the squadron completely and permanently. Do whatever you need to to get better and feel better. We'll be here whenever you are ready to return. Until then, to quote a Glissen-ism...watch your six.
    TheHamster likes this.
  8. Sandvich

    Sandvich .

    Nov 7, 2012
    I used to get pretty frusterated with Starcraft when people would cheese me. The best thing that worked for me was taking breaks, getting a snack and returning to the ladder. The above advice is good too, excercise is great stress relief. Even if you don't go to a gym, a quick jog can work just as well. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
    ThaneKrios likes this.
  9. Sam Johnson

    Sam Johnson .

    May 6, 2014
    Come by and just visit anytime. Always here to talk or just listen to what has to be said.
    TheHamster and ThaneKrios like this.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    Hammy, this game is very frustrating at times, life can be too. My son has OCD, ADHD and is about your age. I cant say I understand your pain but I appreciate what you have to go through just to get out of bed in morning. We will always be here for you little brother, your like my online kiddo! If you need to talk or just hang out drop me a line and I will pm you cell number