Moh-wf Dev Vid Definitely Confirms Bf4 In Development

Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Jul 17, 2012.

Moh-wf Dev Vid Definitely Confirms Bf4 In Development

Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011

    The intro says it all.

    What we don't know however, is what type of Battlefield this will be. I have a feeling it's not going to be a modern day shooter, sequel to BF3. I think it's going to be a sequel to 2142. 2143. It's going to be designed to compete with the Black Ops 2 futuristic setting.

    Either way, should be interesting to see what DICE has up their sleeves. Hopefully they've learned a thing or two from BF3's release, including how to listen to your fucking community.

  2. CrazyKillerCat

    CrazyKillerCat Admin & Graphics Designer

    Dec 3, 2011
    Doing the Battlefield 3 theme all over again would make no sense, they would have to come up with next-gen graphics/gameplay that we've never seen before. A futuristic setting sounds promising, but somehow I don't believe that will be the case.=-COFEE Time will tell, I'm exited either way!:D

    Now just give me armored kill already...