New guys cert placements!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Sotet, Jan 30, 2013.

New guys cert placements!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Sotet, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Sotet

    Sotet See Sw0ltet, be firmly erect.

    Jan 29, 2013
    With a lot of new players coming into NNG and Planetside, (myself included) I often find myself in situations where I've spent some certs on something that is not all that good for the group in the long run. If I could get some recommendations on some basic things to spend certs on for group play that would be great!
    Please try to keep the organised by class because if you use abbreviations it will be very difficult for em to locate these upgrades.
  2. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    It depends on what class and how you play. In the end it will all come down to upgrading how you see fit and we will find a good place to put you on the field.
  3. Ormadil

    Ormadil .

    Oct 30, 2012
    Squad Beacon.
  4. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    Always thing about the support roles you can be fulfilling while on the field getting the kills. Those are the certs to be had.
  5. Sotet

    Sotet See Sw0ltet, be firmly erect.

    Jan 29, 2013
    Thanks for the advice guys :)
  6. DiscoPotato

    DiscoPotato .

    Nov 9, 2012

    A list of things to stay away from

    • Medic "triage"
    • Aoe Repair sunderer
    • The battle rifle "eidolon"
    • Vehicle Grenades
    • Decoy grenades
    • Suit slot: Advanced shield capacitor
    • Infiltrator's Nano Armor cloaking.
    • Anything Anti-infantry related to the MAX (until balanced)

    Also use this for your scopes.

    Forsakened likes this.
  7. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Since you're asking about things you should have that would benefit the group, here is what you can take a look at:
    -Squad Beacon
    -AMS for Sunderer
    -Annihilator for Heavy Assult
    -Dual Burster for MAX
    -Listen to your squad and platoon leaders (comes free of charge, no need to spend certs on it)
    - Improved repair tool if you ever play an engi.
  8. Gavald

    Gavald Recruitment Officer

    Jan 21, 2013
    When I first started rolling with NNG, one of the first things I did was buy a spawn beacon. You never know when you might be thrust into the role of squad leader, but having one is valuable for the team. I've only been squad leader a couple times, but I know it's appreciated when a beacon is dropped.

    If you are looking into a support role, i.e: Medic or Engineer, I'd look to max out your repair and medic tools. I've been playing a medic a lot recently, and the maxed medic revive (which revives allies at full health) is a huge bonus for assaults. Plus, more XP for you, since you can just revive and run, instead of reviving, then waiting for them to accept, then healing the rest of the way. It brings Max Suits back at more health as well. As for the engineer, upgraded tool = faster repairs. If you're standing behind a Max repairing it while he's taking damage, it could be the difference between a successful push and getting farmed.

    Everyone else's advice still stands, AMS for the Sunderer (as Nraged mentioned) as well as the Ammo utility is a HUGE bonus to the platoon. If you're into flying, the Air to Air Scythe missiles come in handy if you want to be mobile instead of using an AA Max suit. Air to Ground can be fun too for clearing out lots of infantry, but I usually leave the infantry to the Libs, while I take care of incoming air with my AA Scythe. Another useful AA tool is the Skyguard for the Lightning. For all the vehicles, look at the certs for all the weapons you have. Some of them only require 1 cert, such as zoom and ammo upgrades for most weapons. You don't have to have a completely decked out Galaxy, but the ability to zoom in a bit does help for your gunners.

    Other than all that just listen to your squad and platoon leaders, be where you're supposed to be, and remember that sticking with the objectives usually will give you more certs and XP than going off on your own and getting killed.
  9. Nanoinfinity

    Nanoinfinity .

    Dec 15, 2012
    I dumped a bunch of certs into my heavy's Advanced Shield Capacitor, but recently tried the resist shield and I regret spending the certs on the ASC. :frown:

    Disregard, I always get the Suit Slot and the Ability Slot mixed up. I was thinking of Nanite Mesh Generator. Hurp derp. What Suit Slot certs are better than ASC?

    Anyone have more opinions about rocket launchers...?

    I got both the Hades and the Nemesis launchers with SC (bought during triple station cash weekend), and while the stats say they do more damage I'd agree that the Annihilator is probably better in the field (Don't have it... yet). I find the lock-on and reload time for rockets is pretty unreasonable considering:
    • It still takes multiple hits to destroy a target
    • Flares are widely used
    • Rockets are dumb, and its easy enough to lead a rocket into a building, tree, or mountain
    In my experience, lockon rockets are typically only effective as a deterrent, or if there's a group of you using them at the same time. Sacrificing the extra bit of damage is probably fine when the benefit is you can lock on to both air and ground vehicles without swapping your loadout, and apparently the reload on the Annihilator is a bit faster, too, if I'm interpreting that right.

    I'm sad 'cus I love my Nemesis and Hades, but they're not performing as well as I had hoped.
  10. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    The Annihilator on its own is very weak but we're talking about a teamplay here. A lot of Annihilators = kill. The main benefit is that if you fire a lot of them at the same time, its a instant kill and you dont have to worry about switching from air to ground all the time.
    Which means that if ur camping a certain area like a tower or an air pad, you can give hell to both, vehicles and aircraft.
    I ve gone down in my Lib from what it felt like, 1 shot!!!! WTF yeah, This is what TE does. Once I pop a flare, I die 5 seconds later.
    I personally always learn from mistakes and take those 5 seconds to find a good hiding spot.