November goals

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Oct 30, 2014.

November goals

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014
    It has been brought to the attention of the officers that the idea we floated about a Chalet is not something others in the guild feel is the best use of our resources or efforts at this time. Thus, this thread will open up the discussion about what to focus on next, as far as guild assets are concerned. There were some great ideas thrown out in chat tonight.

    - Another merchant ship, to increase the # of packs and profit we can get at a time
    - Another galleon? (not a great idea imo since we don't really utilize the junk too often yet)
    - Farm carts for those who don't have them?

    This is in addition to the standing goals of getting everyone Hasla or equivalent, plus GHA fully geared.

    The intended goal of a chalet was to have a central guild hall, with all the crafting tables and crafting bonus sets, as well as ample storage in a more central location than karkassee. If we decide to hold off on doing this, we will still be able to pursue it at a later time, as the land we have secured won't be going away.

    Please discuss, and we can address this in a more finalized fashion at the next meeting. In the meantime, phaedo remains the designated person to craft and turn in packs for guilda (can then trade the blueprints he buys to the appropriate designee). The more runs we do, the faster we can accomplish all of these things and more!

    Sixten likes this.
  2. Phaedo

    Phaedo The Weeaboo Hunter

    Jan 27, 2013
    After having discussed it further with you guys I would have to agree that being able to have multiple merch ships be run, not only at the same time, but so that everyone doesn't have to always rely on one person is definitely a plus. The ability to procure more resources and valuables is greater than having everything centrally located, now that I've thought about it. I think that not only will it make acquiring resources in the future easier, but It could allow and open up more opportunities for everyone. Merchs could be used for fishing anti-pirate radar, or used as the flagship during pirating. The merch has a lot more utility then that which we're currently using it and I think having one or two more in addition to the one we have would allow us to use those utilities to their full potential.
    Jaamaw and Sixten like this.
  3. DarthXaos

    DarthXaos .

    Jun 5, 2014
    I think a second merch ship would be ideal, for flexibility reasons. A second galleon is probably not necessary, as on our own we don't really have enough people to both gun all the guns and provide enough clippers to escort (a galleon without a clipper screen is almost as juicy a target as a merch ship with no escort).

    I think the chalet is a good goal for later, after we get a strong economy going. Right now the land we would use is better spent on land that can grow stuff.

    Think of it this way, just like in an RTS or TBS you build your farms before you build the granary building that buffs your farms. The chalet is the mid game building, and we're still in early game.
    ThaneKrios and Sixten like this.
  4. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    I honestly feel like at a bare minimum at this point we should work toward everyone having a clipper and a trade cart. Trade carts and clippers are the new rowboats and donkeys.

    Clipper designs have been going on the AH for 30-40g. The big obstacle here is of course the TS logs. I personally do not own a clipper but I'm honestly saving for a TS log to get a farm cart, which will increase my profit potential which will then fund my clipper - in a single trade pack run.

    As a bonus, loading and unloading merchant ships (merchant ship as an overall guild goal) is tons more efficient using trade carts.

    I understand running trade runs is just not something everyone will want to do. However there is no denying that running trade packs are extremely profitable, and pretty easy to do. There are a lot of trade runs I avoid at this moment due to the fact that I can only carry one trade pack at a time. Going from a donkey to a trade cart is going to triple your profit margin for the exact same trip, in addition to making longer runs more worthwhile.
    Jaamaw likes this.
  5. ThaneKrios

    ThaneKrios idk

    Nov 2, 2013
    We need two more merchant ships ASAP. There is no reason that we shouldn't be able to get one merch ship for someone any longer than a week, and that's being generous with the amount of time we are taking. Getting down and dirty and working hard we should realistically get the Gilda required in no more than 5 days. It took Jaam and I about a week and a half largely using volunteers from 903 and NNG to get ours, so this is not a hard goal.

    The more merch ships we get the easier it is to get anything else, so two is a good starting point. From there another junk is required to ensure that we have one available nearly at all times.

    We have too much strain and waiting on a handful of people to be effective 24/7. We can get people the gold for farm carts in 1.5 lily/sanddeep runs in one merch ship, Think of what we can do with 3. While Farm carts is a good goal. we have a large amount of people who already have them and it is much more of a solo profit tool that I don't think it is a good goal for the guild.

    We need to start getting our shit together, we have made almost no progress since we made the gally, so lets kick some trade pack ass and get to work on a new guild goal, whatever it is.

    Also, Phaedo should not always be the guilda guy. Many people in the guild are starting from 100, or really any number higher than he is, just because he had already gotten the Junk. Starting from the bottom every time we do a new project is extremely ineffective.
    Jaamaw, Phaedo and Sixten like this.
  6. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    In terms of farm carts and clippers I wasn't so much saying that the guild should work on getting those for everyone, and definitely not before the merchant ships. But after we have our fleet, it'll be nothing to help people with them. Which as you stated would be 1.5 runs.

    Which by having the merchant ships available for people to load down with packs is plenty of help in terms of helping people afford those things.

    As far as the gilda thing goes I totally agree. I'm sitting on 225 gilda right now and I'd be perfectly fine with using that as a starting point towards getting another merchant ship.
    Jaamaw likes this.
  7. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014

    For now let's focus on getting the first merchant ship (if that consensus is reached) before we start saying that a second one is needed "ASAP", like some sort of absolute emergency, which this is not.

    I agree farm carts are a personal goal and we have many of them already.

    The only concern with other people besides phaedo being the Gilda person is that the person in question needs to be ok using their personal Gilda and then giving away the design to someone else. To me it seems more fair to just have a guild designee (doesn't have to be phaedo) and have a separation between personal guilda and community. For example, sixten has 225 guilda. Would it be fair to get a merch ship and have him give the design to poets?

    Anyways good discussion so far, keep weighing in and we will start pushing towards accomplishing more together
    Shuzaah likes this.
  8. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    A second merchant ship is definitely easily achievable within the next week. I would suggest carefully deciding who recieves the design this time so that we can know reliably that they will be online at normal hours and also able/willing to run packs. It is somewhat of a dice roll right nown given Thane's internet connection making it a large risk trying to move a lot at once and mostly at odd hours for most people.

    I think it may also be important for officers to take another look at our land situation and evaluate how to best use it to achieve goals. Laisse faire has been the current way of using the land which can hamper us. Now that we have some very high proficiency gatherers/crafters a more directed system of farming may be more suitable. Thats something poets and I have done since i got my land and it has paid off very well. I also like the idea from 903rd of a communal archeum fund where archeum is funneled upwards and then to the specific crafters so that the crafters have that material onhand when there a crafting request, e.g. moonlight goes to highest prof designated metalworker, starlight to handcrafter, sunlight to carpenter/weaponsmith.
  9. DarthXaos

    DarthXaos .

    Jun 5, 2014
    I think alchemists also use the archeum to make lunafrosts, so maybe set aside a portion for that
  10. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    True, but only for some of the lunastones I recall.