This is a new game mode which is being tested today in RB. Looks interesting. Testing new game mode "The Sky is for Heroes" From August 19th 10:30 GMT (estimated testing time 24 hours) - special RB event “The Sky is for Heroes” From August 19th 10:30 GMT (if RB testing goes fine) - special SB event “The Sky is for Heroes” as main mode for Ground Forces in SB Dear players! Today we started a test in the event mode - an event that introduces respawn system based on the points gained in battle. The event is called “The sky is for heroes” Destroying enemy vehicles, dealing damage and capturing zones will give you Spawn Points which you may spend for further respawns in any vehicles set in your line-up before the battle. Main Features of this mode: Details: After starting the session, each player in the team will receive an initial 400 Points which he spends to get the first vehicle to participate in the battle; Matchmaking is calculated according to the vehicle that has maximum BR in the line-up; If the player fails to earn enough points for respawn before his vehicle is destroyed, he withdraws from the battle; A team wins once it accomplishes the mission’s task or destroys all enemy vehicles - the same as for standard War Thunder missions. The given numbers are calculated if the vehicle you wish to respawn in has highest BR in the battle. If there are vehicles with higher BR than the vehicle you want to respawn in, you will need to spend less points. With BR difference of 1.0 and more in your line-up maximum step-down ratio is 0.75 E.g. if the BR of the battle is 3.7 it will cost you 300 points to respawn in T-34-57 and about 220 points to spawn in Т-34 1941(BR 2.7).
I believe it is a mixed battles event Highlander. It says you start with 400 points which will only be enough to get you into a tank, if I remember correctly fighters cost something like 600 points to spawn in, so you would need to get some kills in tanks first.