So, how are we doing?

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Nov 12, 2014.

So, how are we doing?

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014
    A lot of AA discussion goes on in-game and on whatsapp (if you don't have it, you are sadly missing out on a lot of our daily dialogue - highly encouraged! I have mine set up so there are no dings or alerts at all so it's not disruptive at work).

    That being said, I wanted to move the conversation to the forums for a minute. How are we doing as a guild in AA? Are you guys having fun? Do you wish we did something different/better/new?

    There are some things about the game we cannot change. As a guild, there are also limits to what we can "force" members to do - and there are varying levels of personal investment in the game (meaning there will always be unequal contributions to a common goal from the guild). That being said, there is still plenty of room to work together, play together, and grow together.

    My take - The decision to go for merchant ships instead of a chalet has been very useful. I would like a status update on where we are at, and perhaps make a push to finish the third one (I think that was still in progress).

    Gear is a never-ending grind and objective for the guild. It will never be enough. That being said, we need to push the limits of our abilities and get members through GHA and hasla. If you skip hasla, you need to be investing in crafted gear which is quite expensive/RNG (so good luck). Keep working on it, because gear is the great differentiator for the post-level cap world and it makes a HUUUGE difference in pvp.

    Crafters - Archeum has temporarily dropped in price. I would love to see a list of crafters for each category who are above 50k. This is a big relief for crafting and while still expensive and RNG as hell, it is more affordable. If you as a player are ready for crafted gear, now is a good time to invest in the archeum and start talking to your friendly crafter about getting u some bling.

    As a guild, I'd love to do more piracy. It's not always convenient, as we have so many competing priorities. With the increased demand for charcoal, there is opportunity to both increase our own trade runs for this resource, as well as steal from others. It might be worth trying at some point if there is interest.

    I've put the weekly ops on hold the last two weeks for both personal reasons and the disruption from Auroria launch. Do you guys want to get that back on track or do you prefer the more organic way things have been happening?

    Recruitment - how are we doing and what are our goals?

    Ok, that's about all for now - this is a pretty open thread, feel free to be honest and give feedback. As is the NNG tradition, please attach a suggestion for improvement if you are going to make a criticism. Shitting on the guild with no feedback or ideas to improve just sucks balls.


  2. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    I like the piracy idea- epecially intercepting haranian boats on the eastern shores and brining them back home. We have 2 galleons and 2 merch ships so we have the capacity to do this and I think we are geared enough to do it- we just need to work on coordination and excecution or tactics. Mustarde maybe you and I could sit down and we could chat about piracy for a lil while- I am no stranger having done many trade runs with thane- to what tactics work and which ones will cost us.

    For gear- GHA is whats up still. There are several of us whojave it on full farm mode and if you dont have any gha gear one or two runs will get you really far- even if it is just grand gear the set bonuses drastically better the player. My opiniom is that if you want a higher chance for better gear grab the quicksilver tonics or other +10% drop rate items. They last 60minutes and a full farm mode run will usually take about 30 minutes so it should last 2 runs and increase the chance that rare or higher gear will drop.

    For vocations- this is in my opinion where the guild is lacking the most. Personally I have 3 vocatioms above 80k proficency- but I know that many in the guikd dont have their "main" vocation above 50k. On top of this we have some major gaps in production vocations such as weaponsmithing, cooking and artistry. This to me is an issue but is easily rectified. If the guild bands together and focuses on getting these people in charge of these vocations for the guild what they need- im sure if the guild just spent one week on each person- we would be in a much better place. We need cheap spellbooks, food, weapons, gear, runes and potions. I have the potions on lockdown and I truely appreciate those who helped and continue to help, I have the ability to provide the guildies their potion needs for when we do serpentis free of charge, I also provide shatigons spoonfuls for free and handfuls at a just the cost of the sturdy stone and fine lumber. I just think it would be great if we can get the other vocations to that sort of status for the guild.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  3. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014
    Jaam I would love to talk piracy :) Your leadership skills from PS2 and just being a badass in general could translate well into that sort of raid leading. We definitely have the ability, and the more time we spend on the sea, the better we can plan such activities. For starters, there is a lot of opportunity surrounding ynistere peacetime.

    As for vocations - a lot of getting high proficiency skills are labor limited - which is very expensive. Even as a patron, unless you are chugging potions (now at 25g a pop), you will struggle to get your proficiency up quickly. A side-effect of labor being so valuable (I think Yrgna and I were calculating that each labor point is now basically 2-2.5s in value) is that more and more players feel the immense pressure to convert their labor directly into gold at a rate that is more efficient than 2s/point. Which means fishing or trade packs, neither of which contribute to one's crafting proficiency. While it is important (and encouraged), I understand the challenge of getting crafters leveled.
    ThaneKrios and Jaamaw like this.
  4. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Let's shoot from the hip!

    3rd merchant ship - should be our #1 priority

    Let's select another active person who'd be willing to build and operate one.

    3rd fishing boat should be on To Do list as well. Don't look at it as a boat for personal use, it will benefit everyone who wants to make money.

    I'm working on mine at the moment and almost half way with Gilda, gold and mats needed.

    Recruitment - it's tucking dead. Nothing is being done in that department and every time I bring it up, there is no legit answer. We're not clear about our recruitment goals and methods.

    We need a recruitment officer who'd be willing to take charge.

    PvP - every time we go out in the sea, it's always a lot of fun but everyone is so obsessed with farming and riding their donkeys that nobody wants to take the advantage of probably some of the best PVP I've ever seen in any game. Jacking up defenseless fishing boats is fun, but only after the fisherman decide to fight back after we poop on their party. Most of the time they don't come back to fight.
    Jacking up merchant ships will be more fun and more productive at the same time.

    Big Thank You to Thane and DaPoets for being amazing Captains and helping everyone with trade runs.
    Jaamaw, Sixten, Phaedo and 1 other person like this.
  5. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    If you need bows, staves, scepters ive been at 90k carpentry for two weeks now. Only work i get for crafting is ppl outside of NNG. I'd those delphinads go to you guys than Man Up who I already made two for.

    I can also make plate armor on my second account. I may level weaponsmithing on my main as well as it uses the same archeum as carpentry but I have had none of the guild archeum sent my way in order to start making ppl things. I can't personally afford the mats to do that, especially with little interest being sent my way.

    Side note, intercontinental resource runs are currently the highest paying tradeout per labor cost as worker's comp rise in cost. With archeum cheaper, resources are in higher demand and therefore selling for a lot more on the AH.
  6. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014
    Nraged (and everyone else) - what would you like to see for recruitment?

    Advertisements in faction chat? Posts on reddit/forums? Or more subdued word-of-mouth type of recruitment?

    The equivalent of a public platoon from PS2 would be something like a public GHA group that takes 1-2 pubs?

    Lots of different ways to go about it. Just curious what your thoughts are. I agree we could use a little fresh blood for our division, and I think we could find some good people out there.
    Sixten and Shuzaah like this.
  7. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Advertising ourselves in faction chat or anything like that is kind of weak in my opinion. Lots of guilds do that and in long run it's counterproductive. Too much BS to deal with. Try it once and you will understand what I'm talking about ;)
    We don't have the luxury of running platoon and platoon chat and no way of showing people how NNG gets things done.

    Any type of advertisement on the web would probably be the best way to go about it. Also making sure that all new recruits register on our website prior to being accepted into the guild. What I mean is that be more picky and filter people out.

    The question still stands tho, what are the current plans and goals for recruitment?
    Sixten likes this.
  8. DaPoets

    DaPoets .

    Oct 25, 2012
    Guidelines for recruitment need to be put together and I would like to see 2 recruiters working together to get us known and bring new people into the fold.

    Resource runs are by far the most profitable gold/labor in the game right now based on current market conditions. Ynny needs to be open to make packs there and that doesn't happen often. I did a nice personal trial run (didn't expect a huge guild turnout and I thank everyone!!) and it netted me 241 charcoal stabilizers which are selling for about 1.3g-1.4g on AH today. so 1 run is roughly 300g net profit after costs/AH fees. I did keep some for crafting of course.

    The other 2 resources are not as profitable (as of today) but that could easily change from day to day, BUT they are still the top 3 ways to spend labor to gain the most amount of gold. To give you an Idea I ran 30 packs from Hellswamp to Gwen/solz last night to get 300 gold. Running 22 packs to make the same amount in 1 run saves time and labor.

    Pirating - Yes. get geared too.

    Sixten will be the next Merchant ship Captain as planned. DarthXaos volunteered to donate his guilda for this (and we have done merch runs to make this happen) but he has R/L stuff going on for a few days as he posted in the forums. I would like to see someone else also step up to donate. I am working on building up my guilda to donate my 250 when I'm there for the next gally if the merch is acquired by that time, if not I will wait till I'm at 400 for the next merch.

    I am buying a fishing boat w/ gold just because we need the guilda donations. (have all the mats except the design) If you want to donate gold for this to happen sooner rather than later donations are welcome. They are going for about 1.2k in chat and 1.4k on AH. I'll probably just buy it today or tomorrow but my fishing is at 140 Proficiency so I'm in no rush.

    I'm keeping an eye out for 16x16's in auria as they are on sale for 250g appraised in chat, (i missed 2 today by seconds) and we will use this for archeum trees to produce mats for crafters. I'm wearing crafted gear right now (bought off of AH) that isn't half bad and was better than the gear that dropped for me in GHA. Not all of my gear is better than GHA drops but I like what I have thus far and will just get more.

    I would like everyone to take it upon themselves to ensure they have 1,000 Steel Ammo on you at all times. It's about 3g on the AH for 1000. If you want to go pirating, bring the tools to do some. I honestly don't want to hear anyone ask for Steel Ammo unless you have fired your cannon 1000 times :-)

    I think I addressed most questions but I'm at work and I'm dreaming of Pickle :-)
    Shuzaah, Nraged, Jaamaw and 3 others like this.
  9. DarthXaos

    DarthXaos .

    Jun 5, 2014
    I suggest we post events and have set ops nights like we did for PS, the calendar on the website seems awfully empty...
    Sixten, Mustarde, Shuzaah and 2 others like this.
  10. Vim

    Vim .

    Mar 18, 2013
    I need GHA runs. Im hoping to tank, but my gear would probably wipe us at this point. I have my Hasla t1 sword but need 23 tokens for the shield still.
    Sixten and Shuzaah like this.