What a great weekend for NNG and Mattherson!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Hospiwhater, Jun 23, 2014.

What a great weekend for NNG and Mattherson!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Hospiwhater, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Hospiwhater

    Hospiwhater .

    May 17, 2014
    Starting from the amazing Server Smash victory all the way through 2x XP, it was an amazing weekend.

    I still feel pride and excitement seeing highlight videos, all those people working together down to the very last second to secure a goal that meant something very dear to them, There was a lot on the line for the smash. I've got a very strong sense of empathy for when people from all over the country/world come together and put their all into something as awesome as this, starting with someone playing the speech from independence day at the indar warpgate during setup, up to the clip at the end where everyone in prox and on TS go nuts when we won, it overwhelms me.

    Putting the emerald and the scoring crap behind us and getting even more friends to play against and to get better with I can't think of a better time to be with NNG. This is the reason I joined you guys. Not only have I seen that this isn't just contained to one outfit. Everyone on the server knows who we are and seeing all the people who want to play with us from other outfits and the respect we have mutually for each other brings a tear to my eye. I love this place, i see the outpouring of shared feelings everywhere in here this weekend.

    With the next season of PAL and Comms Clash and Server Smash, I cannot wait to give my all. No longer training alone and making contacts across factions and playing with all these new folks and people I can call friends here... Thank you for everything so far guys. I won't stop until we reach the top!

    Let's kick some ass!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
    Phaedo, Voidnaut, ThaneKrios and 4 others like this.