Balance changes INCOMING!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Jaamaw, Nov 6, 2013.

Balance changes INCOMING!

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Jaamaw, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    I’m going to be writing a series of posts that go over the balance adjustments that we’re implementing based on collected data and player feedback. These changes will start rolling out in the updates following the optimization patch. This first post will cover the vehicle weapons and heavy vehicle vs. light vehicle combat.

    Secondary Weapon Damage Adjustments
    • Anti-vehicle secondary weapons will remain the same against vehicles, but will see a slight drop in damage against infantry.
      • This corrects the cases where certain anti-vehicle weapons are outperforming anti-infantry weapons at the latter’s intended role.
    • Anti-personnel weapons will receive a damage increase at very close range against infantry and light armor (Harasser).
      • This gives coordinated tank drivers and gunners the tools to deal with approaching Harassers and infantry with C-4. The key word here is coordinated. We’re not giving tanks a free pass, just better tools and options.
    • More noticeable damage falloff is being added to vehicle secondary weapons, similar to infantry but with the range extended much further out.
    More information on the damage falloff
    Vehicle damage falloff will not be extreme. It will be just enough to better define the roles for the different weapon types. We won’t be changing any weapon roles, just getting them closer to where they should be.

    For example, the G30 Vulcan will perform better at close-to-medium AV combat when compared to the E540 Halberd, but the Halberd will be able to reach out and perform better at longer ranges. Players can equip either to match where they’re fighting or how they like to fight.

    The bigger change here is that the range of Harasser weapons is being reduced in comparison to the other ground vehicle secondary weapons. This means that the Harasser will have to put itself at more risk in order to output its full damage, which better fits its hit-and-run style. On the other side, the larger optimal range of the main battle tank and Sunderer secondary gunners will overlap with the Harasser's sweet spot, allowing those gunners to better protect their vehicles.

    Proximity Radar Change
    • Proximity Radar is being moved to the defense slot
      • Proximity Radar is intended to be the defensive warning against approaching infantry with C-4, but it’s become obvious that the other options are vastly preferred in the Utility slot.
      • We feel that moving it to the Defense slot makes more sense for the cert line and that this move gives players clearer defensive options to choose from.
    General Vehicle Weapons Balance Pass
    In addition to everything listed above, we’re taking a pass at all vehicle weapons in order to even out the performance and the various tradeoffs between the different faction weapons.

    Harasser Changes
    • Harassers currently have too much freedom in infantry areas because their high speed and acceleration allows them to recover and repair quickly. We’re going to increase C-4 and tank mine damage against this vehicle so that infantry can punish Harasser drivers who get too careless.
    • Harasser composite armor’s max resistance is being reduced. Not by much, just enough so that it will not out-tank a tank. The C-4 resistance buff on Harasser composite armor is also being removed.
    Upcoming Posts
    • Nanoweave and related features, like sniper rifles
    • Rocket launchers, underbarrel grenade launchers, and engineer turrets
    • MAX anti-vehicle and ability adjustments
    • And more to come

    Edit: Update with a few questions answered and some additional details

    You’re only nerfing the Harasser slightly?
    It’s important to note that we’re touching both sides of the vehicle gameplay. Things are being buffed against the Harasser and we’re also reducing the effectiveness of the Harasser. Some of the changes may look small when looked at individually, but they add up to a lot when working together as a whole.

    Harasser Repairing
    We’re not removing repairing from the third seat completely, but we are reducing the repair strength when repairing as a passenger inside of a vehicle. The Harasser will no longer be able to out-repair the damage done against it while in a fight, even if a tank misses one shot in between two other direct hits.

    The repair rate when the Engineer is outside of the vehicle will remain the same.

    Tank mines and C-4 against Harassers
    We don’t expect these to be the main counters against the Harasser. The damage increase is for the Harasser drivers who get too careless in infantry areas. Right now those drivers can afford to be careless because the penalties for playing that way are not high enough. These changes are intended to correct that.

    We are working on improving the hit detection of the tank mines. Also, infrared and thermal vision will no longer highlight tank mines. We realize that these changes will impact all ground based vehicles, not just Harassers, and we’re fine with this. Tank mines need to become a better defensive tool.

    What about x weapon?
    See the “General Vehicle Weapons Balance Pass” section. We’re doing a pass of all vehicle weapons. So yeah, your Enforcer Modified is being buffed.

    And some additional details not mentioned in the original post

    Aircraft weapons are receiving the same reduction in pre-resist damage as ground-based vehicles. Damage against vehicles will stay roughly the same, with tuning here and there to correct some balance issues.

    Harasser turbo
    Right now the very fast regen on the Harasser’s turbo allows the driver to get into favorable combat situations somewhat freely and then allows them to get away freely when the combat situation changes away from being in their favor. We’re giving the turbo a longer regen time so that drivers will have to be a little more strategic on when and where they use the ability.

    Additional Harasser composite armor details
    Like C4, the small arms (infantry weapons) resistance is being removed.
    The resistance against tank shells is also being reduced. More survivability will still be given when the armor is equipped, but not to the amount that it does now.
    Sergeant likes this.
  2. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    All I got was that Vulcan will be doing more damage to vehicles at close range. Good stuff!
    When was the last time I killed a Harasser with C4? Lemme think, hold on.... Just wait....
    I'm all for nerfing repairs from the third seat and lowering composite armor.
  3. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    yay why dont you make the vulcan even better
    lvloss likes this.
  4. Canvera

    Canvera NNG Data Analyst

    Oct 22, 2012
    I think I need to bold this since you guys seemed to have missed it.

    General Vehicle Weapons Balance Pass
    In addition to everything listed above, we’re taking a pass at all vehicle weapons in order to even out the performance and the various tradeoffs between the different faction weapons.

    So it might not mean vulcan is getting buffed. At least, until I see the changes. Then I'll start complaining.
    Jaamaw likes this.
  5. TheCrisisBusiness

    TheCrisisBusiness Yeah, I'm still here

    Jul 10, 2013
    So what I got of of this was they are making the TR more OP.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    still nothing on the BS Striker?....sad face. Kuat I guess we shall see on what they consider evening out. In PS1 it was very close on all weapons and we never saw any of this back and forth bickering on whose weapon is OP etc... THis road they have stare on may never find a happy ending.
  7. okolepooka

    okolepooka The one and only Tactical Fapper

    Feb 7, 2013
    Actually I distinctly remember people complaining about TR's chain gun..just saying.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    THE Chain gun, laser and jackhammer all had the strengths and weakness. It balanced the game out, but we never had anything like the discrepancies we have now. I love the Harasser but if I'm going against TR and the silly little chain gun I wont pull one.