Is there a squad going, where are we, what should I bring...

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by DaPoets, Nov 16, 2012.

Is there a squad going, where are we, what should I bring...

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by DaPoets, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. DaPoets

    DaPoets .

    Oct 25, 2012
    As we tend to run in a Platoon and not just 1 or 2 Squads, we may want to think about making a standard for asking these repetitive questions. Soldiers may want to 1st get on TeamSpeak, load up the game, and in Outfit Chat (not voice comms) ask these questions. "Where is the fight, invite me please, what vehicles do we need, etc"

    Doing this helps to keep the comms clear which is very valuable as squad leaders are talking in TS and also hear platoon chat, squad chat, outfit chat, proximity chat, enough to want to just hit mute sometimes. And w/ a full platoon that is just a lot of people coming on asking the same questions over and over.

    Squad leaders should be very mindful as to what is going on in the chat so they can invite people to their squads when a request comes in via Outfit chat and they can bring their new squad member up to speed in a quiet way as to what the current situation is. Squad leaders have jobs to do, they are not there to just set way points and hope for the best.

    The Platoon leader has his hands full staring at a map, placing the right members in the correct squads, coordinating with other friendlies, and more, thus will miss a lot of what is going on in the chat box so squad leaders need to be very on top of their duties.

    Now common sense takes over as well, if the shit hits the fan w/ a lot going on and people are not reading chat much (naughty squad leaders) then of course just speak up a couple times in chat and in voice.
    MidnightDaredevil and Mortos like this.
  2. lPaladinl

    lPaladinl Traitor

    Nov 14, 2012
    I agree that there could be more of a standard for getting people into the platoons and ready to go off the bat instead of what we've seen now. It's also a real pain in the ass when people don't read certain chat types, (However, I can't blame them, as it's difficult to actually read the multiple tabs of conversations comming in, as the current system to speak/read certain chat types is difficult to manage, expecially when in the field)
  3. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    /right? Very well written and much needed post Poets
    Mortos likes this.
  4. Khamles

    Khamles .

    Nov 9, 2012
    This brings up a question that I've had since I started my trial period. (and please excuse me if this is addressed somewhere else, I feel like I looked around for it though)

    Is there a preferred method for people who are in their trial period to get into a squad? Since I can't access platoon/outfit chat (not being in the outfit yet) I usually jump into TeamSpeak to make a request there. The problem is that I'm loathe to speak up with a request to get into a squad because I don't want to jump all over some strategy talk/generally be in the way. Also I find that sometimes when I do make the request in teamspeak I get silence back, which to me either means you guys are busy and I should wait a while (but never knowing if the request is actually being acknowledged by someone), or i'm getting replied to in platoon chat accidentally and can't hear it.

    How would you guys prefer it was done? Would you like people to speak up in TS, or do a /tell to someone they see in TS? What's most effective, while not butting into strategy talk?
